Naming Ceremonies

“Love is that which is unlimited. There is no beginning and no end to it. No before and no after. Love always was, always is and always will be.”
Extract “The Wedding Vows”

Naming ceremonies are a non-religious alternative to a Baptism or Christening, which are very personal ceremonies.

Your family members are encouraged to participate.

The ceremony formally welcomes a child or children into the family and community of friends, demonstrating and strengthening the bonds between all involved, including Godparents, Grandparents and special people who will play an important role in your child’s life.

Generally the ceremonies are presented in a relaxed environment at your home or in the garden, performed for children of any age.

Siblings are encouraged to be part of the ceremony or at least acknowledged.

Choices of ceremonies include: Candles, Water blessing, Rose Petal blessings, Magic dust or you may choose to design your own ceremony.

A personalised certificate is presented to all family members who are part of the ceremony.

I would love to meet you, so please call, email or organise a skype meeting (claire.kuyper1) with me for a no obligation chat at my home in Kenmore. I will work with you to create a ceremony that reflects and defines the meaning of your love for each other.


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